What is collagen

Collagen plays a vital role in the structural formation for cells, tissues, and organs. If it were not for collagen, the body would literally fall apart. Collagen also gives skin strength, durability, smoothness, youthful appearance and healthy skin. Understanding the structure and function of collagen will help you better know how to maintain healthy skin, and looking young. Collagen is a protein structured body, this unique structure of collagen gives strength greater appeal than steel. Approximately 33 percent of protein in the body is collagen. This protein supports tissues, organs, even bones are also composed of collagen in combination of certain minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.

Collagen and Beauty

Collagen forms 75 percent of our skin, the skin smooth, youthful appearance, healthy skin, largely because having healthy collagen levels. Therefore the whole world looking for new ways to increase the levels of collagen and repair damage to collagen. Decrease the body's production of collagen will lead to things that are not diingingkan such as wrinkles and aging dini.Beberapa shorthand used by injecting this protein into the skin, to reduce wrinkles and increase lip volume.

Collagen synthesis

Collagen is created by fibroblasts, skin cells specifically located in the dermis. Fibroblasts also produce other skin structural proteins such as elastin (a protein that gives skin the ability to snap back) and glucosaminoglycans (GAGS). GAGS form the substance of the dermis that keep hydrated (water shortage). Fibroblasts initially produce short collagen subunits called procollagen. Transported out of the fibroblast cells and then joined together to form the complete collagen molecule. Vitamin C acts as a cofactor essential for this process. Without adequate levels of vitamin C which, the formation of collagen will be disrupted. These disorders cause various disorders such as skin diseases, in which the body can not properly produce collagen. 

Collagen synthesis occurs continuously throughout life to repair and replace damaged collagen tissue or build new cellular structures. Recycling the cell is old or damaged is a natural process of a healthy, just like us if it is in the process of healing from the pain. Along with age, decreased levels of collagen production (degadrasi)
Protecting function of collagen

The best way to maintain a healthy, youthful appearance is to protect your collagen healthy today, with: 

1. Avoiding UVA and UVB radiation (sunlight) 
2. Prevent free radical damage. 

Exposure to ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) radiation from the sun is the most prolific contributor to premature skin aging, accounting for approximately 90% associated with the signs of aging skin. Papaparan UV should be limited and individuals should wear sunscreen every day to protect the collagen in order to stay healthy. Many skin care companies understand the need for this and memasukkankannya into sunscreen products daytime moisturizer. The preventive action in protecting the collagen is with antioxidant supplements. These antioxidants will fight free radicals from UV rays, ozone, pollution, cigarette smoke, and internal metabolic processes, they prevent the degradation of existing collagen fibers and protect the healthy function of fibroblast cells.

Building a New Collagen Synthesis The healthy:

First, you can provide skin with a reserve of vitamin C. As a necessary cofactor in the synthesis of collagen, vitamin C is proven to increase collagen production. Another way to build / sintesi stimulate collagen formation is by using exfoliants (separate process with dead skin), such as alphahydroxy and polyhydroxy acids. 

The third way is to peptides that will stimulate or enhance production of collagen. From the results of research found that this peptide is able to function as a stimulus or stimulant naturally do sinstesis fibroblast collagen, so the production of collagen meninggkat. Some skin care companies have entered into peptide fragments in their treatment products. So if you want to look younger, you have to take care of your collagen.

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  1. Very nice and informative website, thanks: D

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